Sunday Morning Worship


Calvary Community Church is a friendly family of believers in Jesus Christ. We gather each week to celebrate God and remind one another of his amazing grace and love poured out through Jesus into our hearts by his Spirit.

Sunday is an opportunity for us to communicate the unchanging gospel of Jesus in a fresh way. We keep it simple. We gather. We listen to God's word read and preached. We respond together in song, giving, the giving of offerings, and the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We do the same things Christians have done for centuries. 

Through the teaching, music, storytelling, and celebrating, we aim to keep the focus on Jesus. We strive for life-changing gatherings. Our music and preaching is never for the sake of a show, but for pointing everyone to the greatness and love of God. We want to clearly and consistently communicate the good news of Jesus to all who gather with us.